This Equality and Diversity policy underpins and informs all of Norwich Eco Hub’s development and operation.
Policy Statement of Principles
- Norwich Eco Hub recognises that in our society power is not held equally and that groups and individuals have been and continue to be discriminated against on many grounds including, for example, race, creed, colour, national and ethnic origin, gender, age, disability (including mental illness), HIV status, faith, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, social class, income level, marital status, responsibility for dependants and where they live.
- We believe that where direct or indirect discrimination occurs within our organisation, it is both morally and legally unacceptable.
- We aim to create a culture that respects and values each other’s differences and recognises that difference/diversity is a great asset to the organisation – to its work and the people it serves.
- We are committed to respecting the dignity, identity, rights and value of each individual and will challenge discrimination and lack of opportunity within our organisation the services we provide and in our relationships with individuals, traders, artists and musicians, and other associates and organisations.
Our policy in practic
Within our resources we will endeavour to give particular attention to supporting people who face unfair discrimination to overcome disadvantages (such as those in the groups listed above)
At all times people’s feelings will be valued and respected. Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise offensive and inflammatory remarks and behaviour are not acceptable.
No one will be harassed, abused or intimidated on the ground of their race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability or age.
Bullying, harassment and discriminatory behaviour is unacceptable and will be challenged within our organisation. Volunteers and staff should also have a responsibility to report any offensive behaviour that they witness.
Equality and diversity should always be considered with regard to recruitment and ongoing management of staff and volunteers. Everyone must be treated equally, fairly and have access to the same opportunities.
Diversity amongst members will be valued and individual skills will be promoted and utilised. The same opportunities for involvement will be provided for every staff member or volunteer with regard to such activities as training, supervision and support, and the delegation of duties. The differing needs of individuals will always be considered.
We will ensure that any staff, volunteers and Directors are made aware of the objectives within this policy and are encouraged to support their implementation.
Norwich Eco Hub aims to be accessible to all communities in Norfolk. This means working to remove all barriers to using the service, be they physical or perceptual. In the latter case we will continue to market our services in a variety of suitable and relevant formats, to encourage people to seek further information about our work and tackle any misconceptions and make everyone who approaches us feel welcome.
We will seek to reach discriminated against and hard to reach groups in the community by liaising with organisations which support them and identifying their needs.
Incidents of breaches of the above principles will be treated seriously by Norwich Eco Hub and dealt with fairly. We will seek to put in place an adequate system and procedure in order to deal with any form of harassment, unfair discrimination, incidents or complaints. Training and support will be given to help staff and volunteers to understand these principles, for example to raise awareness of equality and diversity issues and on rights and responsibilities under this policy.
Implementing and following the policy
Norwich Eco Hub will strive to become an exemplar of equal opportunities by adhering to this Policy. The implementation and effectiveness of the Policy will be monitored and reviewed on an annual basis, and the Policy will be developed in line with the growth and development of our organisation.