Repair Cafe Norwich
Volunteer led group that roams around Norwich, holding day events where people in the community can bring almost anything that is broken to be fixed
Repair Cafe volunteer fixers will help people with repairs for free and advise them of what parts are needed, if any are, to bring back next time. We regularly have people looking at: bikes, electronics, laptops, clothes and fabrics of all kinds, guitars and sewing machines. But between us we can likely at least give some useful advice on most things! We try to teach some basics where we can.
If people want to come along they can follow on Instagram and Facebook to get updates of our events, or visit our events page: http://repaircafenorwich.co.uk/latest-events/ If they want to help as a volunteer fixer or with general help at events or behind the scenes we have a form here: https://repaircafenorwich.co.uk/volunteer/