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St Peter Mancroft

St Peter Mancroft is the civic church in the heart of the city.

We are open to visitors Monday to Saturday from 10.30am to 3.30pm, and on Sundays have communion services at 8am, 10am and an evening service at 5pm.

We are an open and welcoming congregation, with people from diverse age ranges, backgrounds, ethnicities, sexualities and disabilities. All are welcome. As part of our offering to the city, we have dedicated one of our chapels as the Earth chapel, a quiet space where people can come to reflect, pray, light candles and offer prayers and reflections of the Earth. We have attained our Eco Church bronze award and are working towards our silver award. We have a monthly Spirituality In Nature Group that meets for a 90 minute reflective walk at the UEA. We have a monthly vigil for Peace and the Planet for various campaigning groups outside Mancroft which meets on the first Saturday of each month for an hour at 12 noon.

Get involved

People can come along to any of our events, advertised on our website and on social media. Our Youtube channel has a collection of talks organised with Friends of the Earth Norwich exploring different environmental themes.

Why is this important?

St Peter Mancroft Church, Millenium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1QQ