sUStain (Norfolk and Waveney Mind)
Developed in partnership with the Climate Psychology Alliance and the University of Est Anglia, sUStain is based on the ‘Active Hope’ model, developed from ‘The Work That Reconnects’ approach, a long-established international movement helping people move from a sense of isolation to a sense of participation in the web of life, from doubting their own wisdom to recognizing their unique gifts, and from inaction to action in harmony with those gifts.
sUS stain activities include:
Awareness-raising events: public meeetings designed to help us to normalise our concerns about the climate crisis
Climate cafés: a friendly informal space to share our feelings about the climate emergency, which can often feel taboo or overwhelming. Talking with like-minded others can help us find, or revive, our agency and compassionate resourcefulness, rather than leaning into despair, shame and helplessness. The café is an apolitical, action-free and judgement-free space.
Mindfulness and Active Hope course: A 6 week programme based on mindfulness and elements of the Active Hope approach (following the best selling book Active Hope: How to face the mess we are in with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power by Resilience expert Chris Johnstone and eco-philosopher Joanna Macy). In this unique course we will journey together to find ways to take care of ourselves, as well as discovering new perspectives in how we can all play our part – with our unique gifts and talents – in this major global challenge
Active Hope Book Group: relaxed and informal sessions for an in depth reading of the Active Hope book
Peer Active Hope book group facilitators: coaching volunteers in how to run their own Active Hope book groups, using the authors’ creative commons licensed materials at www.activehope.com. We will offer preparatory and ongoing monthly mentoring sessions, in running the book group including: holding the space, book group versus therapy group training, familiarisation with the materials.
Get involved
We are planning our new sUStain programme and venues. All activities are free, please contact Ruth at sustain@norfolkandwaveneymind.org.uk for information