Quest 11: Postcards to the Earth
Quest Giver: St Peter Mancroft
Nestled in the heart of our city, St Peter Mancroft is more than just a building – it’s a centre of community and eco-awareness.
From hosting informative events like the Great Big Green Week to raising awareness through captivating art installations like ‘Gaia,’ this church is a beacon of change.
St Peter Mancroft is an accredited Eco-Church and was the very first church in Norfolk to declare a Climate Emergency.
Postcards to the Earth
This quest was only available on the 16th August.
St Peter Mancroft host many other events throughout the year – follow them on social media for details.
Visit St Peter Mancroft and write a ‘postcard to the Earth’ (postcard provided). You might want to share your hopes and your fears for our planet, write about what delights you or saddens you, and what you can do to make a difference. Your postcard can use words or pictures, and will then be displayed in the Earth Chapel at the church, as part of our collective message.
Your day at St Peter Mancroft will be filled with eco-inspired fun! Along with making your postcard to the Earth, there will be other activities awaiting you, like crafting bird feeders and building bug hotels.
Why It’s Important
This quest is about you expressing your thoughts, feelings and views. Every word you write and every image you draw on your postcard will become part of a bigger story – a story of young people who care deeply about our world, a rising generation who needs to be heard clearly on eco issues.