Quest 17: Planetary Partners

Quest Giver: SYSTA:SCI CommA SYSTA:SCI CommA stands for “Share Your Story Through Arts: Science, Creativity, Interdisciplinary Communication Artivism.” SYSTA uses art plus activism to bring about change. Planetary Partners is

Quest 16: Who Represents You

Quest Giver: Norfolk Global Neighbours Norfolk Global Neighbours is all about engaging with important global issues and how we can affect them from right here in Norfolk. They tackle topics

Quest 15: Nature’s Touch

Quest Giver: Friends of Train Wood and Marriott’s Way Let’s meet a wonderful group of people who look after one of Norwich’s most unique areas, with its railway remains, woodland,

Quest 14: Give Waste a Ssecond Life

Quest Giver: Dunia Motif Dunia Motif is a remarkable artist living in Norwich and originally from Malaysia, who makes colours and fabric dyes from kitchen waste, like onion skins, tea

Quest 13: Draw Delicious Plants

Quest Giver: Norwich Vegans Norwich Vegans are here to show us the wonderful world of plant-based foods. They provide information, organise social meet-ups and larger vegans events to reach more

Quest 12: Find your favourite spot to enjoy nature

Quest Giver: Rach Anstey-Sanders Rach makes artwork and leads creative workshops that draw people’s attention to the natural world and our relationship with it. She loves talking to people about

Quest 11: Postcards to the Earth

Quest Giver: St Peter Mancroft Nestled in the heart of our city, St Peter Mancroft is more than just a building – it’s a centre of community and eco-awareness. From

Quest 10: Share Joy and Donate a Toy

Quest Giver: maNGOma maNGOma, a local charity with a global reach, helps communities thrive by directly supporting their projects and initiatives. maNGOma works directly with small groups in poorer countries

Quest 9: The Return of the Enigmatic Burnet

Quest Giver: Norwich Writers Rebel Norwich Writers Rebel, is a collective of writers using the power of words to address the climate and ecological emergency. The Return of