Quest 17: Planetary Partners
Quest Giver: SYSTA:SCI CommA
SYSTA:SCI CommA stands for “Share Your Story Through Arts: Science, Creativity, Interdisciplinary Communication Artivism.” SYSTA uses art plus activism to bring about change.
Planetary Partners is an online community arts project run by SYSTA that celebrates inspiring role models making a difference for the climate and ecological crises.
We are all NATURE working together – humans, animals, plants and planet. Planetary Partners aims to encourage and inspire change through seeing you are not alone. Others are already doing what they can, and you can too.
Planetary Partners
Join the Planetary Partners Positive Agents of Change community – be inspired to take action and inspire others! Your quest is to create “Planetary Partners” cards and celebrate what is being done in Norfolk to protect people and planet.
To start, think of all the quest givers involved in the Eco Expedition. Who inspires you the most and why? Write their name on a piece of paper and underneath write a short explanation of why they inspire you. This is one ‘side’ of your Planetary Partners card.
On another piece of paper – using any artistic medium you like, including drawing, painting, embroidery, printing, collage, cartoons, photography, poetry – let your imagination and creativity free to illustrate one of the elements needed to keep the planet safe (such as clean air, water, nature, biodiversity).
You can see Planetary Partners cards that others have already made and more information on the project, on the SYSTA website under ‘Planetary Partners’:
Why It’s Important
Every change helps ensure a safer, more just and equal future for all. We are all Planetary Partners, we are all inspiring, and by celebrating ‘us’ collectively we can bring about change. The more people working together for a fairer future, the sooner we will arrive there.